Our Services


Bodywork to realign joints and release pressure from joints, muscles and nerves is gently done with instruments or a specialized table. Can relieve pain and inflammation while improving mobility, functional movement and quality of life.

Chiropractic Exams are 30 minute appointments and a portion may be covered by your insurance.

Chiropractic adjustment appointments are 15 minutes and a portion may be covered by your insurance.

Nutrition Response Testing

Nutrition Response Testing is a painless, non-invasive and systematic method to determine the body’s barriers to healing. Biofeedback is used to determine which organs are under stress and to determine a nutritional supplement protocol to strengthen those organs and to help rid the body of toxic load.

NRT exams are 30 minutes in length.

NRT follow-up appointments are 15 minutes in length.

Cranial Therapy

Cranial therapy is a relaxing treatment that can reduce inflammation, headaches, TMJ pain, sinus pressure, and allergy symptoms. Regular treatments can help reduce stress and improve sleep and are a great addition to your regular adjustments.

Cranial Therapy Appointments are 15 minutes in length.

Corrective Exercise

Following a movement evaluation, a customized plan will be created to address movement issues. You will be instructed in various techniques to release, lengthen, and activate specific muscles. You will then learn specific exercises to improve coordinated and functional movement. This will improve movement symmetry and efficiency, reduce discomfort and reduce the risk of future injury. You may then opt for in-person or remote (on-line) training.

Corrective Exercise Evaluations are 45 minutes

Corrective Exercise Training sessions are 30 minutes

Coming Soon

We will be adding new services and modalities as we grow. Be on the lookout for Red light/Near infra-red light therapy, microcurrent, pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy and therapeutic laser treatments. We’re very excited to offer you a range of alternatives for recovery and recuperation.

Coming soon…

We will be offering online appointment scheduling for established patients.